15 August 2023

The Importance of FedRAMP Authorization for Cloud Service Providers

Why a CSP should make a significant investment into FedRAMP authorization

Kalid Tarapolsi
Kalid Tarapolsi Chief Growth Officer LinkedIn

In the evolving federal cyber marketplace, cloud computing and services have continued to shape conversations for businesses and government agencies alike. Cloud services offer enhanced flexibility, scalability, and cost-efficiency, allowing organizations to streamline their operations and improve productivity. An April report from Gartner indicated that in 2023 end-user spend on public cloud services would approach $200B. For organizations and users leveraging cloud services, data security and compliance remain major concerns (especially in context to the cloud shared responsibility model). The Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program (FedRAMP) has grown to the definitive standard for cloud service providers (CSPs) seeking to work with federal agencies. Let’s dive into the significance of FedRAMP authorization in order to understand how it benefits both CSPs and government organizations.

Understanding FedRAMP

Established in 2011, FedRAMP is a government-wide program that aims to standardize the approach to security assessment, authorization, and continuous monitoring of cloud products and services. The primary goal of FedRAMP is to accelerate the adoption of secure cloud solutions by federal agencies while ensuring consistent levels of data protection, confidentiality, and integrity. The program enables CSPs to offer their cloud solutions to federal agencies by ensuring they meet stringent security and compliance requirements. FedRAMP employs a “do once, use many times” approach, meaning that once a CSP achieves FedRAMP authorization, other agencies can leverage the same authorization, saving time and resources for both the CSP and the government customers.

FedRAMP offers three authorization levels - Low, Moderate, and High - depending on the sensitivity of the data that the cloud service will handle. These FedRAMP levels refer to the extent of disruption that may occur if an information system is jeopardized:

  • Low Impact: includes data intended for public use and data loss would not compromise an agency’s mission, safety, finances, or reputation.
  • Moderate Impact: includes data unavailable to the public, such as personally identifiable information. A breach of this data may harm an agency’s operations.
  • High Impact: includes sensitive federal information, such as law enforcement, emergency services, and healthcare data. Breaches to systems containing this data could be catastrophic — potentially shutting down operations, causing financial impact, and posing a threat to intellectual property and even human life.

The Importance of FedRAMP Authorization

Data breaches and cyber-attacks have become more frequent and sophisticated, putting sensitive information at risk. For federal agencies, safeguarding sensitive data is a paramount concern. FedRAMP authorization ensures that CSPs adhere to strict security protocols, including encryption, access controls, incident response plans, and vulnerability assessments. By leveraging FedRAMP-authorized solutions, government agencies can more confidently mitigate potential security risks and protect critical information. Also, as the FedRAMP compliance standards are regularly updated (as demonstrated by the recently released FedRAMP Rev. 5 update), agencies can be confident that the program remains relevant as potential threats continue to adapt and evolve.

FedRAMP authorization also provides a standardized framework, simplifying the compliance process for both parties. It establishes a set of baseline security controls that align with the Federal Information Security Management Act (FISMA), and as outlined by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), ensuring that all certified cloud services meet the same standards. This helps to streamline the procurement process for federal agencies and encourages the adoption of secure cloud solutions.

The Benefits of FedRAMP Authorization

In addition to offering enhanced data security and streamlined compliance, FedRAMP authorization offers substantial cost savings and increased efficiencies for CSPs by removing the requirement to pursue multiple Authorities to Operate (ATOs) from multiple federal agencies. The program’s model allows certified providers to cater not only to federal agencies but also to state and local government entities, as well as private sector organizations. This expanded market potential translates to increased revenue for certified CSPs, motivating more providers to pursue authorization. Additionally, government agencies can efficiently select and procure cloud services from a pre-approved pool of vendors listed in the FedRAMP Marketplace, reducing procurement cycles and administrative overhead. Data provided by the GSA indicates that the reuse of FedRAMP packages by federal agencies is over 10 per offering on average, increasing each year, indicating a significant ROI for CSPs.

The authorization also brings a level of trust and credibility. Because obtaining a FedRAMP authorization is a rigorous and time-consuming process — involving comprehensive assessments of a CSP’s security controls and practices — certified providers earn a stamp of approval that demonstrates their commitment to data security and compliance. This authorization fosters trust between CSPs and federal agencies, leading to more significant partnerships and collaborative initiatives.

In addition, FedRAMP authorization fosters an environment of innovation and collaboration within the cloud service industry. CSPs are incentivized to continually improve their security practices and develop cutting-edge technologies to meet the ever-evolving threats in cyber. Sharing best practices and lessons learned across the community also strengthens the overall security posture of cloud services, benefiting both CSPs and their clients.


As the adoption of cloud services continues to accelerate, ensuring the security and compliance of these solutions is of utmost importance — particularly for federal agencies entrusted with sensitive data and national security. FedRAMP authorization stands as a testament to the commitment of CSPs in meeting the highest security standards, and the federal government’s interest in ensuring those standards reduce the risk landscape. By streamlining compliance, enhancing data security, fostering innovation, and building trust, FedRAMP authorization paves the way for a more secure and efficient cloud computing ecosystem. Embracing the FedRAMP program will undoubtedly lead to safer and more successful collaborations between cloud service providers and government agencies, driving forward a more digitally resilient and secure nation.

If you are interested in learning more about FedRAMP, download our Strategy Guide for Achieving FedRAMP Authorization or schedule some time to chat with me directly.

If you have any questions, or would like to discuss this topic in more detail, feel free to contact us and we would be happy to schedule some time to chat about how Aquia can help you and your organization.
